During our visit to Euromoda, a renowned fashion wholesaler in Neuss, Germany, we noticed that the majority of shop owners were of Chinese origin. Having worked in a German and English-speaking environment for a week, we were thrilled to hear Chinese being spoken again. As journalists from Guangdong, China, we were warmly welcomed by the owners who showed us great hospitality, with some even offering us mooncakes and water. We were curious to know about the most popular Chinese goods sold here and how these items were transported. Let"s take a closer look through our lens!
出品人 | 杜传贵 林海利总策划 | 孙爱群 孙璇 林洁总统筹 | 吴江 蒋铮 侯恕望 孙晶 刘佳宁 骆苹文 | 羊城晚报特派德国记者 付怡 陈泽云视频 | 羊城晚报特派德国记者 梁喻 黎杰文翻译 | 陈萱
来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青校对 | 马曼婷