威廉·罗伊、蒂莫西·多德 著

李小诺、王莹晨、赵钰茜 译


[2] Philip Bohlman, “Ontologies of music,” in Rethinking Music, ed. N Cook, M Everist, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999, pp.17-34.

[3] Ross W. Duffins, How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony (And Why You Should Care), New York: Norton, 2007. Howard S. Becker, Art Worlds, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982.

[4] Ian Cross, “Pitch schemata,” in Perception and Cognition of Music, ed. I Delige, J Sloboda East Sussex: Psychology Press, 1997, pp.353-386.

[5] Andrew Abbott, Alexandra Hrycak, “Measuring Resemblance in Sequence Data: an Optimal Matching Analysis of Musician Careers,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 96/1, 1990, pp.144-185.Tia DeNora, Musical patronage and social change in Beethoven’s Vienna. American Journal of Sociology. 97, 1991, pp.310–346. Frederic. M. Scherer, “The evolution of free-lance music composition, 1650–1900,” J. Cult. Econ. 25, 2001, pp.307–319.

[6] Hans Lenneberg, On the Publishing and Dissemination of Music, 1500–1850. Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon, 2003. 同时参见5。

[7] William Weber, “Redefining the status of opera: London and Leipzig, 1800–1848,” J. Interdiscipl. Hist. 36: 2006, pp. 507-532.同时参见5。

[8] Timothy J. Dowd, “Structural power and the construction of markets: the case of rhythm and blues,” Comp. Soc. Res 21, 2003, pp.147–201.John Ryan, The Production of Culture in the Music Industry: The ASCAP-BMI Controversy , Lanham, MD: Univ. Press Am, 1985.

[9] Russell Sanjek, David Sanjek, American Popular Music Business in the Twentieth Century, New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1991.同时参见8。

[10] Michael Bull, Sound Moves: iPod Culture and Urban Experience , London: Routledge, 2007.

Andrew Leyshon, Peter Webb, Shaun French, Nigel Thrift, Louise Crewe, “On the reproduction of the musical economy after the internet,” Med. Cult. Soc. 27, 2005, pp.177-209

[11] 同10、9。

[12] Peter L. Berger, Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise on the Sociology of Knowledge, New York: Anchor Worldwide, 1966.

[13] Eviatar Zerubavel, The Seven Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the Week, Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1985. 同时参见3。

[14] Christopher Small, Musicking: The Meanings of Performing and Listening, Hanover, CT: Univ. Press N. Engl, 1998.

[15] 本文将“musicking”一词译为“音乐行为”。——译者注

[16] J. Keith Murnighan, Donald E. Conlon, “The dynamics of intense work groups: a study of British string quartets,” Adm. Sci. Q. 36,1991, pp.165-186.

[17] Claudio E. Benzecry, “Curtain rising, baton falling: the politics of musical conducting in contemporary Argentina,” Theory and Society 33, 2006, pp. 445-479. Dmitry M. Khodyakov, “The complexity of trust-control relationships in creative organizations: insights from a qualitative analysis of a conductorless orchestra,” Soc. Forces 86, 2007, pp.1-22. Mark Marotto, Johan Roos, Bart Victor, “Collective virtuosity in organizations: a study of peak performance in an orchestra,” J. Manag. Stud. 44, 2007, pp. 388-413.

[18] Allmendinger Jutta, J. Richard Hackman, “The more, the better? A four-nation study of the inclusion of women in symphony orchestras,” Social Forces 74, 1995, pp.423-460. Mary Ann Glynn, “When cymbals become symbols: conflict over organizational identity within a symphony orchestra,” Organ. Sci. 11, 2000, pp. 285-298. 同时参见16。

[19] Robert R. Alford, Andras Szanto, “Orpheus wounded: the experience of pain in the professional world of piano,” Theory and Society 25, 1996, pp.1-44. Lisa McCormick, “Higher, faster, louder: representations of the international music competition,” Cult. Sociol. 3, 2009, pp.5-30.

[20] Bryan S. Turner, Steven P. Wainwright, “"Just crumbling to bits?’: an exploration of the body, aging, injury and career in classical ballet dancers,” Sociology 40, 2006, pp.237-255.

[21] Paul F. Berliner, Thinking in Jazz: The Infinite Art of Improvisation, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. Nicholas P. Dempsey, “Hook-ups and train wrecks: contextual parameters and the coordination of jazz interac- tion,” Symb. Interact. 31, 2008, pp.57-75. Will Gibson, “Material culture and embodied action: sociological notes on the examination of musical instruments in jazz improvisation,” Sociol. Rev 54, 2006, pp.171-187. Bruce A. MacLeod, Club Date Musicians: Playing the New York Party Circuit, Urbana: Univ. Ill. Press, 1993. David Sudnow, Ways of the Hand: The Organization of Improvised Conduct, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1978.

[22] 同14。

[23] 同2。

[24] Tia DeNora, “How is musical meaning possible? Music as a place and space for "work’,” Social Theory(4), 1986, pp.84-94. Tia DeNora, Music in Everyday Life, New York: Cambridge University. Press, 2000.

[25] Turino Thomas, Music as Social Life: The Politics of Participation, Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 2008.

[26] Eharis E. Kubrin, “Gangstas, thugs, and hustlas: identity and the code of the street in rap music,” Soc. Probl. 52, 2005, pp. 360-378.

[27] Jason Rodriquez, “Color-blind ideology and the cultural appropriation of hip-hop,” J. Contemp. Ethnogr. 35, 2006, pp.645-668.

[28] Eduard Hanslick, The Beautiful in Music, New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1957(1854). Deryck Cooke, The Language of Music, London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1959. Susan McClary, Feminine Endings: Music, Gender, and Sexuality, Minneapolis: Univ. Minn. Press, 1991. Robert Walser, Running wih the Devil: Power, Gender, and Madness in Heavy Metal Music, Hanover, CT: Wesleyan Univ. Press,1999. 同时参见3。

[29]God Save The Queen:《天佑女王》又叫《上帝保佑女王》,在历史上曾广泛在大英帝国及英联邦国家作为国歌使用。现在,它在部分英国海外领土仍作为国歌使用。它也是新西兰的两首国歌之一(1977年之前是唯一的国歌),一些英国海外领土也同样将它与另一首歌并列为国歌。在澳大利亚(1984年起)、加拿大(1980年起),巴巴多斯和图瓦卢,《天佑女王》作为皇家礼乐使用。——译者注

[30] La Marseillaise:《马赛曲》,法国国歌。——译者注

[31] 同24。

[32] Simon Feld, “Sound structure and social structure,” Ethnomusicology 28, 1984, pp.383–409.

[33] 同14。

[34] Amy Binder, “Constructing racial rhetoric: media depictions of harm in heavy metal and rap music,” American Sociological Review 58, 1993, pp.753-767. Craig Watkins, “"A nation of millions’: hip hop culture and the legacy of black nationalism,” Commun. Rev. 4, 2001, pp.373-398.

[35] Alfred Schutz, “Making music together: a study in social relationships,” Soc. Res. 18, 1951, pp.76-97.

[36] Anthony Seeger, Why Suya´ Sing: A Musical Anthropology of an Amazonian People, Urbana: Univ. Ill. Press, 2004.

[37] Andy Bennett, “"Punk’s not dead’: the continuing significance of punk rock for an older generation of fans,” Sociology 40, 2006, pp.219-235.

[38] Claudio E. Benzecry, “Becoming a fan: on the seductions of opera,” Qualitative Sociology 32, 2009, pp.131-151.

[39] Sarah Thornton, Club Cultures: Music, Media and Subcultural Capital, Hanover, CT: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1996.


[41] 同24。

[42] Karol Berger, Bach’s Cycle, Mozart’s Arrow: An Essay on the Origins of Musical Modernity, Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press, 2007.

[43] William H. McNeill, Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1995. 同时参见2433。

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[45] Antoine Hennion , “Music lovers: tastes as performance,” Theory Cult. Soc. 18, 2001, pp.1-22.

[46] 同10。

[47] Matthew J. Salagnik, Duncan J. watts,“Leading the herd astray: an experimental study of self-fulfilling prophecy in an artificial cultural market,” Soc. Psychol. Q. 71, 2008, pp. 338-355.

[48] Mark Chaves, Congregations in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004. Robert Wuthnow, All in Sync: How Music and Art Are Revitalizing American Religion, Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press, 2003.

[49] 同36。

[50] Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Boston, MA: Bedford, 1993(1845).

[51] Vincent J. Roscigno, and William F. Danaher, The Voice of Southern Labor: Radio, Music, and Textile Strikes, 1929-1934, Minneapolis: Univ. Minn. Press, 2004.

[52] Marc Steinberg, “When politics goes pop: on the intersection of popular and political culture and the case of Serbian student protests,” Soc. Mov. Stud. 3, 2004, pp.3-29.

[53] Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Sociological Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University. Press, 1984. William Roy, “Aesthetic identity, race, and American folk music,” Qual. Sociol. 25, 2002 pp.59-69.

[54] Paul DiMaggio, “Classification in art,” American Sociological Review. 52, 1987, pp.440-455. Paul DiMaggio, “Social structure, institutions and cultural goods: the case of the United States,” in Social Theory for a Changing Society, ed. P Bourdieu, JS Coleman, Boulder, CO: Westview, 1991, pp.133-155.

[55] Andy Bennett, “Consolidating the music scenes perspective,” Poetics 32, 2004, pp.223-234.

[56] David Grazian, Blue Chicago: The Search for Authenticity in Urban Blues Clubs, Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 2003.

[57] Patria Roma´n-Vela´zquez, The Making of Latin London: Salsa Music, Place and Identity. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999.

[58] Daid Beer, “Making friends with Jarvis Cocker: music culture in the context of Web 2.0,” Cultural Sociology 2, 2008, pp.222-241.

[59] Keith Kahn-Harris, Extreme Metal: Music and Culture on the Edge, Oxford: Berg, 2007.

[60] William Roy, Reds, Whites and Blues: Social Movements, Folk Music, and Race in America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press. In press, 2010. 同时参见53。

[61] Wendy Griswold, “The fabrication of meaning: literary interpretation in the United States, Great Britain and the West Indies,” Am. J. Sociol. 92, 1987, pp.1077-1117.

[62] Caltlin Killian, Cathryn Johnson, “"I’m not an immigrant’: resistance, redefinition, and the role of resources in identity work,” Soc. Psychol. Q. 69, 2006, pp.60-80.

[63] Ron Eyerman, Andrew Jamison, Music and Social Movements, New York: Cambridge Univ. Press,1998.

[64] Tia DeNora, “How is musical meaning possible? Music as a place and space for work,” Sociological Theory 4, 1986, pp.84-94.

[65] Tia DeNora, After Adorno: Rethinking Music Sociology, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Eric F. Clarke, Ways of Listening: An Ecological Approach to the Perception of Musical Meaning, New York: Oxford University. Press, 2005. 同时参见24。

[66] 同3。

[67] Max Weber, The Rational and Social Foundations of Music, Carbondale: South. Ill. Press, 1958.

[68] Lars Bo Jeppesen, Lars Frederiksen, “Why do users contribute to firm-hosted communities? The case of computer-controlled musical instruments,” Organ. Sci. 17, 2006, pp.45-63.

[69] David Hesmondhalgh, “The British dance music industry: a case study of independent cultural production,” Br. J. Sociol. 4, 1998,pp.234-252.

[70] Motti Regev. “Who does what with music videos in Israel?,” Poetics 25, 1998, pp.225-240.


[72] Richard A. Peterson, N. Anand, “The production of culture perspective,” Annu. Rev. Sociol. 30, 2004, pp.311-334.

[73] Nick Prior, “Putting a glitch in the field: Bourdieu, actor network theory and contemporary music,” Cult. Sociol. 2, 2008, pp.301-319.

[74] 同62。

[75] 同54。

[76] Barbara Rosenblum, “Style as social process,” Am. Sociol. Rev. 43, 1975, pp.422-438.

[77] Robert Walser, Running with the Devil: Power, Gender, and Madness in Heavy Metal Music, Hanover, CT: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1999.

[78] Franco Fabbri, “A theory of musical genres: two applications,” in Popular Music Perspectives, ed. P Tagg, D Horn, Exeter: Int. Assoc. Study Popular Music,1982, pp.52-81. Franco Fabbri, “The system of canzone in Italy today,” in World Music, Politics and Social Change, ed. S Frith, Manchester, UK: Manchester Univ. Press, 1989, pp.122-142.

[79] 诞生于1960~1970年间的意大利歌手/作曲家运动。——译者注

[80] Als Cantautore,被称为当代意大利音乐中背诵自编歌曲的歌手。这个词是cantante“singer”和作家“author,composer”的组合,由唱片公司Ricordi的员工1960年以意大利语与英语在通信中而成。“歌手兼词曲作者”被发明了。法国女歌手和德国作曲家也有类似的指称,但这些术语绝不是可互换的,而是指特定的音乐传统。参考Wikimedia Foundation--Creative Commons《德语字典》。——译者注

[81] Keith Negus, Music Genres and Corporate Cultures, London: Routledge, 1999. Marco Santoro, “What is a "cantautore?’ Distinction and authorship in (Italian) popular music,” Poetics 30, 2004, pp.11-32.

[82] Jennifer Lena, “Sonic networks: economic, stylistic, and expressive dimensions of rap music, 1979-1995,” Poetics 32, 2004, pp.297-310.Paul Lopes, The Rise of a Jazz Art World, New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. Richard A. Peterson, Creating Country Music: Fabricating Authenticity, Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1997. 同时参见81。


[84] 同73。

[85] Mavis Bayton, Frock Rock: Women Performing Popular Music, Oxford: University of Oxford Press, 1998. Mary Ann Clawson, “When women play the bass: instrument specialization and gender interpretation in alternative rock music,” Gender Society 13, 1999, pp.193-210.Geoffrey M. Curran, “From "swinging hard’ to "rocking out’: classification of style and the creation of identity in the world of drumming,” Symb. Interact 19, 1996, pp. 37-60.

[86] Nick Crossley, “The man whose web expanded: network dynamics in Manchester’s post/punk music scene, 1976-1980,” Poetics 73, 2008, pp.24-49.

[87] 同58。

[88] 同82。

[89] 同3。

[90] 同21。

[91] Diogo L. Pinheiro, Timothy J. Dowd, “All that jazz: the success of jazz musicians in three metropolitan areas,” Poetics 37, 2009, pp.490-506.

[92] 同3。

[93] Timothy J. Dowd, “Concentration and diversity revisited: production logics and the U.S. mainstream recording market, 1940 to 1990,” Soc. Forces 82, 2004, pp.1411-1455.Damon J. Phillips, David A. Owens, “Incumbents, innovation, and competence: the emergence of recorded jazz, 1920 to 1929,” Poetics 32, 2004, pp.281–295.William Roy, “"Race records’ and "hillbilly music’: the institutional origins of racial categories in the American commercial recording industry,” Poetics 32, 2004, pp.265-279.同时参见⑧。

[94] Jarl A. Ahlkvist, Robert Faulkner, “Will this record work for us? Managing music formats in commercial radio,” Qualitative Sociology 25, 2002, pp.189-215.

[95] 同8、69、93。

[96] Sumiko Asai, “Firm organisation and marketing strategy in the Japanese music industry,” Popular Music 27/3, 2008, pp.473-485.

Robert Burnett, The Global Jukebox: The International Music Industry,London: Routledge,1996.同时参见85、73。

[97] Sumiko Asai,“Firm organization and marketing strategy in the Japanese music industry,”Pop Music 27, 2008, pp.473-485.同时参见1058。

[98] Simon Frith, Performing Rights: On the Value of Popular Music, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1996.

[99] Emile Durkheim发展了包括功能主义、劳动分工和社会反常在内的社会结构理论。这些理论建立在社会事实的概念或社会规范、价值和结构之上。功能主义是一个包含三个要素的概念。——译者注

[100] Michele Lamont, Virág Molnár, “The study of boundaries in the social sciences,” Annu. Rev. Sociol. 28, 2002, pp.167-195.

[101] Eviatar Zerubavel, The Fine Line: Making Distinctions in Everyday Life,” New York: Free Press, 1991.

[102] William H. Sewell, Jr, “A theory of structure: duality, agency and transformation,” Am. J. Sociol. 98, 1992, pp.1–29.

[103]结构二元性(duality of structure)是Anthony Giddens解释结构化理论时提出的短语和主要命题之一。二元性的基础在于中介与结构之间的关系,在二元性中,中介对其生存环境的影响远比以往结构主义理论所赋予的要大得多。——译者注;参考来源:Giddens Anthony, Central Problems in Social Theory, London and Basingstoke: The Macmillan Press,1979, p.69.


[105] 同55。

[106] William Weber, “The contemporaneity of eighteenth-century musical taste,” Music. Q. 70, 1984, pp.175-194. 同时参见⑦。

[107] Victoria Johnson, “What is organizational imprinting?: cultural entrepreneurship in the founding of the Paris Opera,”Am. J. Sociol. 113, 2007, рр.97-127.

[108] Allmendinger Jutta, and J. Richard Hackman, “Organizations in changing environments: the case of East German symphony orchestras,” Administrative Science Quarterly 41, 1996, pp.337-369. Claudio E. Benzecry, “Curtain rising, baton falling: the politics of musical conducting in contemporary Argentina,” Theory and Society 33, 2006, pp.445-479. Levine L, Highbrow, Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1988. Marco Santoro, Constructing an artistic field as a political project: lessons from La Scala, Poetics. In press, 2010.

[109] Timothy J. Dowd, Maureen Blyler, “Charting race: the success of black performers in the mainstream recording market, 1940 to 1990,” Poetics 30, 2002, pp.87-110. Pierre-Antoine Kremp, “Innovation and selection: symphony orchestras and the construction of the musical canon in the United States (1879-1959),” Soc. Forces 88, 2010, pp.1051-1082.

[110] Paul DiMaggio, “Nonprofit organizations and the intersectoral division of labor in the arts,” in The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, ed. WW Powell, R Steinberg, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006, pp.423-461.

[111] Mark Katz, “Making America more musical through the phonograph, 1900–1930,” Am. Music 15, 1998, pp.448–476. Sophie Maisonneuve, “Between history and commodity: the production of a musical patrimony through the record in the 1920–1930s,” Poetics 29, 2001, pp.89-108. 同时参见⑧。

[112] Ton Bevers, “Cultural education and the canon: a comparative analysis of the content of secondary school exams for music and art in England, France, Germany and the Netherlands, 1990–2004,” Poetics 33, 2005, pp.388- 416. Susanne Janssen, Giselinde Kuipers, Marc Verboord, “Cultural globalization and arts journalism: the international ori-entation of arts and cultural coverage in Dutch, French, German, US newspapers, 1955 to 2005,” Am. Sociol. Rev. 73, 2008, pp.719-740. Alex van Venrooij, and Vaughn Schmutz, The evaluation of popular music in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands: a comparison of the use of high art and popular aesthetic criteria, Cult Sociol. In press, 2010.

[113] 同110。

[114] 同62。

[115] Mary Ann Glynn, Timothy J. Dowd, “Charisma (un)bound: emotive leadership in Martha Stewart Living Magazine, 1990-2004,” J. Appl. Behav. Sci. 44, 2008, pp.71-93. Mary Ann Glynn, Christopher Marquis, “When good names go bad: symbolic illegitimacy in organizations,” Res. Sociol. Organ. 22, 2004, pp.147-170.

[116] 同53。

[117] 同78、82。

[118] Robert S. Cantwell, When We Were Good: The Folk Revival, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997.

David Grazian, Blue Chicago: The Search for Authenticity in Urban Blues Clubs, Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 2003.

[119] 同27。

[120] 同53、93。

[121] William Roy, Making Societies: The Historical Construction of Our World, Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge, 2001.同时参见93、100。

[122] Tia DeNora, “Music into action: performing gender on the Viennese concert stage, 1790–1810,” Poetics 30, 2002, pp.19-33. John Shepherd, Peter Wicke, Music and Cultural Theory, Malden, MA: Polity, 1997. 同时参见1、98。

[123] Theodor W. Adorno, “On the social situation of music,” in Essays on Music, ed. R Leppert, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002, pp.391–436. Alan Lomax, “Song structure and social structure,” Ethnology 1, 1962, pp.1-27. 同时参见67。

[124] minstrel是美国的一种含有种族歧视色彩的黑人题材戏剧形式,通常指白人演员刻意将脸涂黑在舞台上扮演黑人。——译者注

[125] Eric Lott, Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class, New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1993.

[126] Jim Crow法,指1876 ~ 1965年间美国南部各州以及边境各州对有色人种(主要针对非洲裔美国人,但同时也包含其他族群)实行种族隔离制度的法律。——译者注


[128] W. T. Lhamon Jr, Raising Cain: Blackface Performance from Jim Crow to Hip Hop, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1998.同时参见60、125。

[129]20世纪初的录音音乐,专为非裔美国人而作,直接销售给黑人社区。该术语是由Ralph S. Peer创造的,被用来特指从20世纪20~40年代录制唱片的黑人音乐家。1940年代后,黑人表演者的音乐市场早已跨越了种族界限,在黑人和白人音乐家的影响下,爵士和布鲁斯风格也在不断发展。——译者注


[131] 同8、53、82、93。

[132] Damon J. Phillips, Young-Kyu Kim, “Why pseudonyms?: deception as identity preservation among jazz record com- panies,” Organ. Sci. 20, 2009, pp.481-499.同时参见93。

[133] Vaughn Schmutz, “Social and symbolic boundaries in newspaper coverage of music, 1995–2005: gender and genre in the US, France, Germany and the Netherlands,” Poetics 37, 2009, pp.298-314.

[134] Mavis Bayton, Frock Rock: Women Performing Popular Music, Oxford: University of Oxford Press, 1998. 同时参见77、114。

[135] Philippe Coulangeon, Hyacinthe Ravet, Ionela Roharik, “Gender differentiated effect of time in performing arts professions: musicians, actors, and dancers in contemporary France,” Poetics 33, 2005, pp.369-387.

[136] Timothy J. Dowd, Kathleen Liddle, Maureen Blyler, “Charting gender: the success of female acts in the U.S. mainstream recording market, 1940 to 1990,” Res. Sociol. Organ. 23, 2005, pp.81-123.

[137] 同18。

[138] 同55。

[139] Dick Hebdige, Subculture: The Meaning of Style, New York: Routledge, 1979.

[140] 同53。

[141] 同53。

[142] Karen Aschaffenburg, Ineke Maas, “Cultural and educational careers: the dynamics of social reproduction,” American Sociological Review, 62, 1997, pp.573-587. Susan A.Dumais, “Cultural capital, gender, and school success: the role of habitus. Sociol,” Educ. 75, 2002, pp.44-68.

[143] Evictor Zerubavel, The Fine Line: Making Distinctions in Everyday Life, New York: Free Press, 1991. 同时参见53、93、100、121。

[144] Philippe Coulangeon, Yannick Lemel, “Is "distinction’ really outdated?: questioning the meaning of the omnivorization of musical taste in contemporary France,” Poetics 35, 2007, pp.93-111.

[145] 同8、109。

[146] Katherine Skinner, “"Must be born again’: resurrecting the Anthology of American Folk Music,” Pop. Music 25, 2006, pp.57-75. 同时参见8、82、93。

[147] 同8、109。

[148] 同60。

[149] Jon Cruz, Culture on the Margins: The Black Spiritual and the Rise of American Cultural Interpretation, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University. Press, 1999.

[150] Jennifer C. Lena, Richard A. Peterson, “Classification as culture: types and trajectories of music genres,” Am. Sociol. Rev. 73, 2008, pp.697-718. 同时参见34、82。

[151] Alex van Venrooij, “The aesthetic discourse space of popular music, 1985-1986 and 2004-2005,” Poetics 37, 2009, pp.295-398.

[152] Richard A. Peterson, “Problems in comparative research: the example of omnivorousness,” Poetics 33, 2005, pp.257-282.

[153] 同51、53、60。

[154] 同53、60。

[155] 同53、60。


[157] Ercilia Garía-Álvarez, Tally Katz-Gerro, Jordi López-Sintas, “Deconstructing cultural omnivorousness 1982–2002: heterology in Americans’ musical preferences,” Soc. Forces 86, 2007, pp.755-764.

[158] 同144。

[159] Michèle Ollivier, “Modes of openness to cultural diversity: humanist, populist, practical, and indifferent,” Poetics 36, 2008, pp.120-147. Savage, “The musical field,” Cult. Trends 15, 2006, pp.159-174. Alan Warde, David Wright, Modesto Gayo-Cal, “The omnivorous orientation in the United Kingdom,” Poetics 36, 2008, pp.14-165.

[160] 同53。

[161] Jon Cruz, Culture on the Margins: The Black Spiritual and the Rise of American Cultural Interpretation, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999.
